Bath-based Second Mountain Communications has joined a coalition of businesses supporting the Better Business Act, a campaign for every single company in the UK, big or small, to take ownership of its social and environmental impact.

The Better Business Act asks the Government to change Section 172 of The Companies Act, to ensure that company directors are responsible for advancing the interests of shareholders alongside those of wider society and the environment.
The Act follows B Lab UK research showing that almost three-quarters of the UK public think business has a responsibility to protect the planet and its people and a British Academy survey that nearly half of UK business leaders think that companies should be purpose-led.
Hundreds of businesses, including Ben & Jerry's, Patagonia and the John Lewis Partnership, have already signed up to create a cleaner, greener, fairer future for all. Together, the Better Business Act coalition asks for the Government’s leadership to help deliver this new contract between business and society.
Ben Veal, Founder & MD at Second Mountain Communications, comments:
"The Better Business Act recognises that our world needs every business to be at its best: adding value to society and helping fix pressing problems. Eyes have been opened over the past year to the important difference that ethically-minded businesses, operating with purpose, can make.
Second Mountain Comms has been established with a clear mission to help good people and firms do good, and the Better Business Act closely aligns with our core values which drive everything that we do as a company.
By joining the Better Business Act coalition, we are part of a movement for change: a business-led campaign, driven by leaders, which recognises that the law has fallen behind business culture and looks positively towards a brave new world where business works for everyone."
The Better Business Act is a unique opportunity to demonstrate UK leadership on the global stage – creating a competitive advantage, driving innovation, accelerating progress to net zero, and aligning with the Government’s ambition to build back better.
To find out more and add your support, visit